If I asked you what your next 5 steps are... would you know?

It's a simple question really.

In a business context I believe you have two ways of answering this (and that is considering you know what the next 5 steps for your business are):

  1. You know it off the top of your head (I don't believe you).
  2. You have it listed/written somewhere.

Option 1 is just full blown BS in my not very humble opinion. I accept that you know THE step. The vision. Nevertheless, that should be written somewhere for you and whoever's part of that mission to see.

You have it listed/written somewhere.

I want to know, where is that?

  • A notebook?
  • Notion?
  • Google Docs? (damn...)
  • Asana?
  • Monday.com?
  • A napkin?

Also, when I ask about those next 5 steps, what comes to mind?

  • "Does he mean goals?"
  • "Does he mean the next five tasks to close?"
  • "Damn I don't know but that sure as hell made me think"
  • "What the hell does he even mean by that?"

If it was the last one, you've got some work to do.

Any of the others I'd consider absolutely fair follow up thoughts to the question.

Besides this being a thinking exercise, I truly meant to ask:

  • What do you use to manage the priorities of your business?
  • Do you feel that it covers your needs?
  • More precisely so, does this management too actually help productivity or just provide a false sense of it?
  • Are you a control freak? Organized at all?
There's a conversation I want to have with you around this questions. So if it's annoying to just answer the email, consider jumping on a call with me for 15 min to tell me about it.

If I picked your brain at least a bit, give this a thumbs up below!

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