"Diego, what do you think of the situation in Venezuela?" As a Venezuelan national, this is my take on the "Situation" I was pretty much born into. Culture comes first, government comes second.
Improve your client expectation management At the end of this post you will find a link to a video that illustrates how we manage expectations for clients on hourly contracts with FlowFully through UpWork or Contra. It also helps us add context to the effort that goes into subscription clients which gives them a great
If I asked you what your next 5 steps are... would you know? It's a simple question really. In a business context I believe you have two ways of answering this (and that is considering you know what the next 5 steps for your business are): 1. You know it off the top of your head (I don't believe
3 Lucky Business Owners It's been an amazing first year for my Webflow as a Service Agency, Flowfully. Thinking about myself when I started on my own, and all the help I could've used, I know I must give back. So, in honor of the New Year, and all of
Today we leave at 18:30 Is indie hacking possible when you run a productized service? Is a productized service the same as freelancing? Easter egg at the end of the note.
Building Platform Based Services is the natural path to innovation and building products. Since the beginning of value exchange (or commerce), people have been providing platform based services. Is just that before, we used to call them skills, and that's it.