A dialogue between members of a team

To be honest, the message in the dialogue that follows would lose value if I were to contextualize it in detail.

Also, mentioning from where the dialogue is from would further diminish its value, so I will refrain from doing that as well.

I also don't want you to read it like it is some cringe-ass linkedIn post relating marriage to a b2b sale or some bs like that.

You should read it with the same feeling you get when making a decision towards achieving a collective goal; where the outcome is impossibly in any one person's hands, but rather in everyone's hands.

That said I will summarize the context to disclaiming that the dialogue:

  • Is hyperbolic / extreme - not meant to be taken literally but rather interpret.
  • Happens between two people, with a bystander, that due to circumstances, find themselves at the gate of a one way door decision. Meaning, it is one thing or the other. One door being sticking to an objective together, the other being the opposite.
Person A:
- "...But if I stay, you will keep me safe" - Said in a mocking, full-of-disbelief tone.

- "Yes!" - Said immediately in reply, with the utmost certainty.

Person B:
- "No." - Said in interruption to the Bystander's certain reply with even greater certainty. - "I can't promise you that." - Concluded with peace.

Person B stops to reflect for a second. Then continues to say:
- "None of us can" - Concludes.

Before allowing Person A to even think of a response, Person B, elaborates:
- "But I swear... that your life... will always matter more to me, than my own" - Spoken like a truth that's always known but never internalized until said out loud.

Person A - Captivated:
- "You don't even know me" - unable to look at person b directly in the eyes.

Person B, in a assuring, daring, and assumed-risk eye-to-eye stare:
- "What difference does that make?"

Now, stop.

... and tell me, who are you in this conversation? Person A, B or the bystander?

My educated guess, is that without consciously thinking about it. You internalized Person B was you.

Now read it again.



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